Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Symptoms, Сauses, Diagnosis and Managment
Urinary tract infections (UTI)
Women have a high chance of UTI. 50-60% of women may develop UTI over the course of their lives. Many women suffer from repetitive infections, sometimes for years.

Сauses UTIs in women
The main cause of bladder infection is E. coli, but Chlamydia, Ureaplasmus and Candidate's mushrooms are also dangerous. UTI is promoted by a sedentary lifestyle that causes pelvic and bladder circulatory disturbances, reduced immunity, physical metabolic disturbances, menopause, spicy food intake and diabetes mellitus. UTI occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. In case of acute UTI, the patient has frequent and painful urination with possible release of blood. Symptoms of chronic UTIs are similar, but not as pronounced. Chronic UTI may develop into chronic cystitis in the absence of timely treatment.

Symptoms of UTI
To determine the UTI, follow the following symptoms:
* Burning when urinating
* Frequent or strong desire to pee, even if you don't do much
* Pain and compression in the lower back or lower abdomen
* Muddy, dark, bloody or strangely smelling urine
* Feelings of fatigue or frailty
* Fever or chills (sign that the infection has reached your kidneys)

Tests and treatment for UTI
If you suspect you have a urinary tract infection, contact your PCP. You will need to take a urine sample, which will be tested for UTI-causing bacteria. Treatment. Antibiotics kill pathogens. As always, be sure to complete your prescribed medication cycle, even after you feel better. And drink plenty of water to get bacteria and metabolic products out of your system. Your doctor can prescribe a painkiller to relieve pain, and a hot-water bottle can also be useful.

Studies on the efficacy of cranberry juice for the prevention or treatment of UTI have given mixed results. Red berries contain tannins that prevent the adhesion of E. coli bacteria, one of the causes of urinary tract infections. However, a 2012 review of 24 studies of the effectiveness of cranberry juice/extract on UTI showed that they do not significantly reduce the incidence of UTI.

Chronic UTI
1 in 5 women experience a second urinary tract infection, while some suffer continuously. This is usually due to another type or strain of bacteria. But some species can penetrate the body's cells and form insignificant strains to the antibiotics and immune system. A group of these renegades may emerge from the cells and then invade again, eventually creating a colony of antibiotic-resistant bacteria ready to attack again and again.

Some women are genetically predisposed to UTI, while others have abnormal urinary tract structures that make them more susceptible to infection. Women with diabetes are also at greater risk because their weakened immune system makes them less able to fight infections such as UTI. Pregnant women and patients with multiple sclerosis, urolithiasis, strokes and spinal cord injuries are also at risk.

Chronic treatment of UTI
If you have 3 or 4 UTIs a year, ask your physician to recommend a special treatment plan:
* Taking a low dose of antibiotics for a longer period to prevent re-infection
* Taking a single dose of antibiotic after sex, which is a common trigger of infection
* Taking antibiotics for 1 or 2 days each time the symptoms appear
* Using a home urine test AssayMe for symptoms. Tests that are available without a prescription can help you decide if you need to call your doctor. If you are taking antibiotics, you can check to see if they have cured the infection. Ask your doctor if the test is positive or if the symptoms continue despite a negative test result.

How to prevent reinfection of the UTI
You can prevent another UTI with the following tips:
* Often empty your bladder. Take your time and make sure you completely empty your bladder.
* Wipe backwards from the front.
* Drink water.
* Choose a shower above the bathtub.
* Stay away from female hygiene aerosols, fragrant showers and bath fragrances - they only increase irritation.
* Clean your genital area before you have sex.
* After sex, pee to wash off bacteria that may have penetrated the urethra.
* If you are using a particular method of contraception to control your birth rate, consider switching to a different method of contraception. Diaphragms can increase bacterial growth, while unlubricated condoms and spermicides can cause irritation. Everything can make the symptoms of an UTI more likely.
* Maintain dry genitalia by wearing cotton underwear and loose clothing.